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ABOUT US / Acerca de nosotros

We revive vintage watches by synergy of traditional skill and modern technology. Hence, the luxury for the few elite becomes affordable to the general public.

We believe that clients are our partners because we cannot succeed if you do not succeed.

We revive vintage style watches by synergy of traditional skill and modern technology. Hence, provide more affordable versions of timepieces and parts that would be otherwise out of the reach of majority watch collectors.
We believe that clients are our partners because we cannot succeed unless you succeed.

Nosotros revivimos los relojes de época por sinergia de técnicas tradicionales y la tecnología moderna. Por lo tanto, proveemos versiones de relojes y piezas más accesibles que normalmente hubieran sido fuera del alcance de la mayoría de los coloeccionistas.
Creemos que los clientes son nuestros socios porque no podemos tener éxito a menos que ustedes tengan éxito.