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mechanical watches / relojes mecánicos

368 Dual Time Reverso

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368 Dual Time Reverso

  1. watch case: stainless steel.
  2. movement: double-sided dual time mechanical, hand winding.
  3. band: soft genuine leather, double side wearable.
  4. and length: buckle side about 8 cm; tongue side about 12 cm.
  5. The only dual time , double side watch available in the market. A valuable mechanical watch for collectors.
  6. available as limited stock lasts.
  7. popular for airline cabin crews and frequent travellers.
  8. diameter of case : 39 mm
  9. thickness of watch: 12.2 mm
  10. lug size for watch band: 20 mm
  11. weight of watch: 67 grams.
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